Create a playful, colorful bracelet with a unique crackle effect using Adirondack Alcohol Inks.

Adirondack® Crackled Heart Bracelet By Debbie Tlach
- Materials
- Instructions
(1) Working on the Non-Stick Craft Sheet, condition the white clay by slicing the white block of clay into pieces approximately 1/8”-wide using the Kato Nublade. Feed the slices through the clay machine on the second largest setting. Fold the pieces when they come out of the machine and run them, folded side first, through the machine. Repeat about 20 times, rolling it out on the thickest setting to prepare your clay. Repeat with the black clay rolling it out on the 4th largest setting on the clay machine.
(2) Cut the sheet of white clay in half and set one piece aside. Working on the Non-Stick Craft Sheet squeeze drops of several different colors of Alcohol Ink randomly onto the sheet of white clay. Use a small square of Cut-n-Dry Foam to help spread the ink over the surface of the clay completely covering it with ink. Let dry thoroughly. If possible place in front of a fan. Gently blot with a tissue if necessary.
(3) Cut a small piece of Alcohol Inked clay (about an inch square) and heat it with the Heat It Craft Tool for 10-15 seconds. Let cool then run it through the pasta machine on the 4th largest setting to make the crackle. Tip: If the piece crackles without becoming crumbly repeat with the rest of the piece. If the piece did not crackle repeat with another piece increasing the heating time by a few seconds. If the piece is crumbly decrease the time by a few seconds on the next test piece.
(4) Once the heating time is determined, crackle the entire piece. Set aside.
(5) Use the white clay that was set aside and run it through clay machine on the 3rd largest setting.
(6) Cut the piece of black clay in half. Set one piece aside and roll the other piece through on the 6th largest setting on the clay machine.
(7) Stack black clay on top of the white clay being careful not to trap air between the layers. Trim off the edges.
(8) Using the Ripple Blade slice wavy strips (about 1/8” wide) of the stacked clay.
(9) Lay these wavy strips onto the crackled piece in a random pattern.
(10) Use the acrylic roller to flatten the wavy pieces onto the crackled piece.
(11) Lay this piece on top of the rest of the black clay that was set aside (rolled out on the 4th largest setting).
(12) Place Plastic Wrap on top of clay and cut as many hearts as needed for your bracelet with the medium heart shaped clay cutter. (Using the plastic wrap will give the hearts rounded edges on the top.)
(13) Place hearts on polyester batting on top of ceramic tile. Bake hearts following manufacturers directions. Let cool.
(14) Use pin vise to drill holes in each side of heart.
(15) Make wrapped loops with wire and glue into each side of the heart with the Zap-A-Gap®.
(16) Make twisted wire jump rings. Link hearts together with jump rings.
(17) Finish by making or attaching a purchased clasp.